Gynécologie Évenements
AsianAmerican MultiSpecialty Summit VI
This Summit, held every two years, with delegations of leading laparoscopists representing organizations and countries in the Pacific Rim, Asian Oceanic regions...
5th Asia Pacific Congress on Building Consensus out...
Dear Friends and Colleagues, After the success of the 4 previous BCGIP (COGI) Asia Pacific Congresses, we are delighted to invite you to take part in the 5th Asia...
Contraceptive and Perineal Procedures
This CME medical conference includes a didactic review of underlying disease processes, patient selection, management of complications, and hands-on practice...
The 18th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics,...
Dear Colleagues, The World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility in 2013 will be held in Vienna, Austria, October 24-27. As you...
22nd Annual Congress ESGE
Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the 22nd Annual International Congress of the European Society of Gynaecological...
5th Surgical Workshop of CUGRS “Sava Perovic” Male and...
Dear Colleagues, Once again, Sava Perovic Foundation is organizing Surgical Workshop with live surgeries and lectures on 26-28 September 2013, with participation...
2nd World Congress on Surgical Training 17-19 June 2013
The aim of this congress is to answer the general question: ”How can a medical student be transformed into a skilled craftsman in surgery?”. This question...
Office Hysteroscopy and Sterilization
Day One This is an intensive and comprehensive introductory course focused on performing diagnostic/operative hysteroscopy in the office setting. The...
Human Teratogens
There is now widespread concern about the teratogenic effects of drugs, maternal diseases; chemicals in the environment, infectious agents and exposure to...
44th Annual OB/GYN Spring Symposium
The 44th Annual OB/GYN Spring Symposium is designed to discuss the controversial areas in reproductive endocrinology that frequently present to healthcare...
The Fiftieth Annual Update in Obstetrics and Gynecology
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of The Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School is proud to continue the tradition of an annual CME...
Updates in Women's Health/ Issues in Women's Health
Upon completion of this program, participants should be better able to: - Distinguish between ovulatory and anovulatory uterine bleeding and other menstrual...
Nabil Moulay
Dr. Pravin Kanani
Sevellaraja Supermaniam
Behnaz Nouri
Dr R K Mishra
The Society of Elite Laparoscopic Surgeons
institution médicale
Master Classes in Laparoscopic Surgery
institution médicale
institution médicale
CMR Surgical
institution médicale
Society of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeons (SLS)
institution médicale