Lieu: Hilton Savannah DeSoto, 15 East Liberty St, 31401 Savannah, GA , Etats-Unis
Site Web: aller
Coût: 1230 USD
Nombre de vues: 2556
This CME medical conference includes a didactic review of underlying disease processes, patient selection, management of complications, and hands-on practice of the topics listed below. NPI provides the necessary equipment and anatomic models with the goal of preparing the student to perform these techniques in his or her own practice at the completion of the course.
The course is designed in such a way that the material is easily learned in the classroom setting, with topics selected specifically for the primary care setting. Vasectomy (No-scalpel): Patients truly prefer the no-scalpel technique. This CME medical conference is a comprehensive review of the entire topic of vasectomy, but we will concentrate specifically on the no-scalpel approach. History, pre-operative counseling, complications, various techniques, and follow-up are all reviewed. Vasectomy is safer, less costly, and has a lower failure rate (and the failures can be detected) when compared to tubal ligations. Your start-up expenses are minimal and patients prefer having their family physician do the procedure. The new VASCLIP also reviewed. IUD Insertion: With proper patient selection, lUDs are safe, cost-effective, and easily inserted. Studies show they prevent conception, which makes them more acceptable to patient and physician alike. Reviews indicate they are often inappropriately overlooked as a contraceptive choice. The Mirena is indicated to treat hypermenorrhea. IUDs are approved for 5-10 years of continual use. Experts feel they are underused. Endometrial Biopsy/Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Endometrial biopsy has replaced most D&Cs. Ninety-seven percent accuracy in diagnosis makes this the procedure of choice for evaluating abnormal uterine bleeding. Hemorrhoid Treatment: What a change! You no longer need to give a patient six weeks off work for hemorrhoid surgery. Ninety percent of symptomatic hemorrhoids can be treated in the office and the patient can return to work the same day.
Office treatment of hemorrhoids using infrared coagulation (IRC) and rubber band ligation is reviewed. It’s now easier than you think. Diseases of the Perianal Region: Anal Fissures, Anogenital Warts, Skin Biopsies in the Perineal Region.
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