Médecine légale Évenements

  • Vidéos 0
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  • Évenements 10
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  • eBooks 0
  • eLearning 0
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XX International Medical Scientific Conference for Students...

L'événement passé Coût: non mentionné Nombre de vues: 5155

MDSC is an international medical congress for students and young doctors. The event is organized by students for students and its main purpose is to share knowledge...

6th Digital Strategy & Innovation for Medical Affairs

L'événement passé Coût: 1400 - 2100 USD Nombre de vues: 2788

DGE’s 6th Digital Strategy & Innovation for Medical Affairs Summit is the largest and most impactful industry event for transforming your medical affairs department...

10th World Congress on Nursing & Healthcare

L'événement passé Coût: 599 - 699 USD Nombre de vues: 6151

On behalf of the Organizing and Advisory Committee, we take great pleasure in welcoming Professors, CEO’S, Directors, Surgeons, and Physicians, Research scholars,...


L'événement passé Coût: 55 - 745 EUR Nombre de vues: 2347

The Ottawa Conference on the Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Healthcare Professions were set up by Professor Ian Hart (Ottawa, Canada) and Professor...

International Conference of Natural and Medical Sciences,...

L'événement passé Coût: 25 - 50 USD Nombre de vues: 3488

Conference combined with training workshops will be held on December 1st, 2017 to December 3rd, 2017 in Lublin, Poland. The event is addressed to young scientists...

The 2017 Forensic Forums

Specialité médicale:  Médecine légale
L'événement passé Coût: 429 - 645 USD Nombre de vues: 2741

The Forensic Forums 2017 is an international three day event which will bring together those working in forensic sciences. This years event will discuss new research...

International Conference on Food Chemistry and Hydrocolloids

L'événement passé Coût: 99 USD Nombre de vues: 3511

The prestigious International Conference on Food Chemistry and Hydrocolloids (Food Chemistry 2016) will focus on the theme “Recent Advancement and Progress...

Annual International Conference on Fostering Human Resilience

L'événement passé Coût: 799 - 1249 USD Nombre de vues: 2965

The term "resilience" has come to mean the ability to withstand, or rebound from, adversity. If ever there was a time to foster human resilience, it is now! We...

5th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics...

L'événement passé Coût: non mentionné Nombre de vues: 2927

Pharmaceutica-2015 is as series of discovery in the field of Pharmaceutics and Drugs. It covers various fields in the drug synthesis, Drug formulation & Pre formulation...

You have a BI Positive or Product Sterility Positive...

L'événement passé Coût: 249 - 999 USD Nombre de vues: 3397

This webinar will discuss what actions should be taken following a positive result in a sterility test on a biological indicator (BI) during performance qualification...

Number of Results
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