European Society of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons

European Society of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons - publications, événements, conférences

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Nombre de vues
A new Society of Paediatric surgeons interested in Minimal Invasive Surgery has been born in Europe. After several years of encounters in different Meetings a strong relationship between committed surgeons, foresaw the necessity of formalise endurance and perspective of future in this field of surgery. Surgery of children, infants, newborns or even intrautero or intrapartum procedures have been develop over time. It is the finding of excellence in the care of the patients who moved the surgeons all over the world to meet and share opinions and expertise between them. So, we move in searching of the excellence in Surgery, the standardisation of protocols and develop new methods of diagnosis and treatments. Share all our good and bad experiences allow us to attain a unique goal: the best care of Children.

Le contenu publié

  • Vidéos 1
  • Images 0
  • Évenements 10
  • Publications 0
  • eBooks 0
  • eLearning 0
  • Playlists 0

Traitement du Pectus Carinatum chez les enfants

nombre de vues: 11102 commentaires: 0

Dans cette vidéo il s'agit d'une nouvelle technique mini-invasive de traitement du pectus carinatum chez les enfants et les adolescents. Auteur de la vidéo: Raimundo Beltra Pico (Las palmas de gran canaria).

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ESPES 2025: 15th Annual Congress

Specialité médicale:  Chirurgie pédiatrique, Pédiatrie
de: 2025-10-15 à: 2025-10-17 Coût: non mentionné Nombre de vues: 307

More information soon...

Pediatric Mickey Invasive Surgery Conference (MIS):...

Specialité médicale:  Chirurgie pédiatrique
L'événement passé Coût: non mentionné Nombre de vues: 535

Topics: MIS & Robotics Urology Gastrointestinal Thorax Gynecology Basic Science Head & Neck Anesthesia Pediatrics Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery Internal...

ESPES 2024: 14th Annual Congress

Specialité médicale:  Chirurgie pédiatrique, Pédiatrie
L'événement passé Coût: 90 - 450 EUR Nombre de vues: 1206

Meeting Highlights » Networking opportunities with international colleagues, leaders, and industry partners » Mastery Learning Series » Innovations in Pediatric...

1st Joint Meeting of IPEG & ESPES 2023

Specialité médicale:  Chirurgie pédiatrique, Pédiatrie
L'événement passé Coût: 220 - 850 EUR Nombre de vues: 3597

Dear IPEG &ESPES members, Dear Colleagues and Friends, We are already looking forward to our 1st Joint Meeting of IPEG & ESPES that will take place between...

ESPES 2022: 12th Annual Congress

Specialité médicale:  Chirurgie pédiatrique, Pédiatrie
L'événement passé Coût: 50 - 450 EUR Nombre de vues: 3627

XII ESPES Annual Congress. September 28th-30th, 2022. Barcelona, Spain Early Registration and Abstract Submission are OPEN! Dear ESPES members, Dear Colleagues...

ESPES 2021: 11th Annual Congress

Specialité médicale:  Chirurgie pédiatrique, Pédiatrie
L'événement passé Coût: 80 - 440 EUR Nombre de vues: 2934

Dear ESPES members, Dear colleagues and friends, Spring 2021 has arrived and I hope all of you are doing very well. In January we opened the abstract submission...

ESPES 2020 E-congress

L'événement passé Coût: non mentionné Nombre de vues: 2376

2020 will be remembered as a year in which the whole world has been deeply damaged by a virus against which practically no one was immune. The consequences are...

ESPES 9th Annual Congress

L'événement passé Coût: 190 - 430 EUR Nombre de vues: 2275

In September 2019 we will have the pleasure of hosting the 9th European ESPES Congress in Italy. As a founding member, I am proud to have witnessed the birth and...

ESPES 7th Annual Congress

Specialité médicale:  Chirurgie pédiatrique
L'événement passé Coût: non mentionné Nombre de vues: 2316

Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the European Society of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons (ESPES) we have a great honour and pleasure to invite you to attend the 7th...

5th Annual Meeting European Society of Paediatric Endoscopic...

Specialité médicale:  Chirurgie pédiatrique
L'événement passé Coût: non mentionné Nombre de vues: 2485

Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to invite you to the 5th ESPES congress in Bucharest, September 23rd to 25th, 2015. Our decision to gather all of...

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