Cardiologie Évenements

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Mayo Clinic Presents Hawaii Heart 2013: Echocardiography...

Specialité médicale:  Médecine interne, Cardiologie
L'événement passé Coût: 799 USD Nombre de vues: 2583

The material presented at this conference is specifically designed to educate cardiology care providers, providing them with the most up-to-date information regarding...

Strategies for the Evaluation, Treatment and Prevention...

Specialité médicale:  Cardiologie
L'événement passé Coût: 795 - 845 USD Nombre de vues: 1699

Upon completion of this course, the participant should be able to formulate a practical approach to common cardiac disorders with a special emphasis on heart failure;...

2013 Women’s Leadership Development Conference for Women...

Specialité médicale:  Cardiologie
L'événement passé Coût: 475 - 575 USD Nombre de vues: 1939

 The vision of the 2013 Women’s Career and Leadership Development Conference for Women Cardiologists and Cardiothoracic Surgeons is to diversify the...

Arrhythmias & the Heart: A Cardiology Update

Specialité médicale:  Médecine interne, Cardiologie
L'événement passé Coût: 700 USD Nombre de vues: 2057

 The program will explore approaches to the diagnosis, management and prevention of common rhythm disorders. The diagnoses and management of Atrial fibrillation...

Case Studies in Structural Heart Disease and Intervention

Specialité médicale:  Cardiologie
L'événement passé Coût: 795 USD Nombre de vues: 2068

This course, with a case-based lecture format, educates clinical cardiologists as well as interventionalists on treating their patients based on the components...

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