4th Annual “Cardio Obstetrics University” Symposium

Organisateur: Paragon Group
Lieu: Virtual,
Site Web: aller
Date: de: 2024-07-13 à: 2024-07-14
Coût: non mentionné
Programme de l'événement: afficher
Nombre de vues: 99

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the 4th annual “Cardio Obstetrics University” Symposium.

The symposium is scheduled virtually on July 13-14, 2024.

The comprehensive program is designed to provide a practical approach to the management of a broad spectrum of cardiac problems in pregnancy.

The symposium includes didactic lectures with many case presentations and discussions by a renowned and experienced faculty and audience participation. This meeting is a must for health care providers around the world who are interested in and practice cardio obstetrics medicine.

We are looking forward to your participation in this exiting meeting.

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