17th European Urogynaecology Association Annual Meeting (EGUA 2024)

Organisateur: European Urogynaecology Association (EUGA)
Lieu: Prague, République tchèque
Site Web: aller
Date: de: 2024-12-05 à: 2024-12-07
Coût: non mentionné
Nombre de vues: 1271

Dear EUGA members, colleagues and friends,

after the success of the EUGA 2023 Annual Congress in Varese, It is my great pleasure to announce the EUGA 2024 Annual Meeting in Prague.

A scientific programme of great interest and relevance and a growing involvement of affiliated scientific societies will be the main components of the Congress.

One of EUGA's objectives for next year's conference will be offering visibility and a voice to young urogynaecologists and residents, with dedicated sessions and space for oral presentations.

The important tradition of urogynaecology in Czech Republic and the wonderful city of Prague will be a guarantee for a successful event.

We hope to meet many of you in Prague on 5-7 December 2024.

Maurizio Serati, President of EUGA

Dear friends and colleagues

After many years, the EUGA Congress is returning to the heart of Europe - Prague - and I'm pleased to invite all of you to join us in our capital, for the XVII EUGA Annual Meeting, next 5-7 December.

We would like to welcome all affiliated societies and their presidents and members. It is not just a phrase; affiliated societies are a core of EUGA and vice versa; EUGA represents all of them.

We are planning the meeting in a very comfortable congress hotel, strategically located near the metro station and equipped with the most modern facilities.

All conference rooms will be on the same floor to ensure easy networking and high visibility for exhibiting industries. Advanced technical and logistical facilities will certainly allow the Scientific Committee to prepare a great scientific programme.

The scientific contents will also be based on your submitted scientific papers.

We all look forward to welcoming a large attendance in Prague during a very special period of the year that will be an ideal combination of science and good times, in a safe and warm atmosphere as a big European urogynaecology family.

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