3rd Annual Summit Companion Diagnostics Summit

Organisateur: Vonlanthen Group
Lieu: TBA, Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen Rennweg, 130 00 Vienna, Autriche
Site Web: aller
Date: de: 2017-10-26 à: 2017-10-27
Coût: 1195 - 1995 EUR
Nombre de vues: 1532

This premier B2B event provides the appropriate platform to engage
and discuss ideas with your fellow peers, while facilitating a professional
atmosphere and environment for good company representation and development.
The summit will shed light on current challenges, best practices and
the inside view of the future of Companion Diagnostics. We will discuss
key findings, including critical insights, as well as recommendations for
driving efficient strategies in Companion Diagnostics landscape.
It is an honour and privilege to invite you to participate in this Summit.
We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna upcoming October!

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