World Congress of Internal Medicine

Organisateur: Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine
Lieu: Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), Bali, Indonesie
Site Web: aller
Date: de: 2016-08-22 à: 2016-08-25
Coût: non mentionné
Programme de l'événement: afficher
Nombre de vues: 2693

The International Society of Internal Medicine (ISIM) was founded in 1948 in Basel, Switzerland. Its purpose is to promote scientific knowledge and unity in Internal Medicine, to further the education of young internists and to encourage friendship between physicians in all over the world. The main activity of ISIM is the organization of the Biannual International Congress of Internal Medicine. The last congresses took place in Manila 1996, Lima 1998, Cancun 2000, Kyoto 2002, Granada 2004, Taipei 2006, Buenos Aires 2008, Melbourne 2010, Santiago de Chile 2012 and Seoul, Korea 2014. Future congresses will be held in Bali, Indonesia (2016), Cape Town, South Africa (2018) and Mexico (2020).
The International Congresses of Internal Medicine were always outstanding events with a large attendance from the whole world. Especially when located in countries not privileged with easy international scientific exchange, the congresses give a very welcome opportunity to see and hear leading experts from all over the world. In addition to the biennial international congresses, ISIM has been involved in the organization of Postgraduate Meetings in Internal Medicine for more than ten years; for example, in 2007, ISIM organized a Postgraduate Course in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, and in December a Postgraduate Course in Surakarta, Indonesia in conjunction with the 5th National Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine Attended by mostly young physicians, these courses were always very successful and their feedback has always been very enthusiastic.

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